SwissProt - a curated protein sequence database which strives to provide a high level of annotation
Clean UniProt - a modified version of the UniProt database aimed to screen the more reliable sequences.
UniRef90 - database cluster sequences and sub-fragments with 11 or more residues that have at least 90% sequence identity with each other (from any organism) into a single UniRef entry, displaying the sequence of a representative
UniProt is the universal protein resource, a central repository of protein data created by combining Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL and PIR.
Clean Uniprot is a modified version of the
UniProt database aimed to screen the more reliable sequencesis. See details
NR database is maintained by the
NCBI and comprised of non-redundant sequences from GenBank CDS translations, PDB, SwissProt, PIR, and PRF excluding environmental samples from WGS projects