The ConSurf Server
Create a high resolution figure for chain
For PyMOL, ChimeraX and Maestro, download the modified PDB file showing insufficient data (or the PDB file hiding insufficient data), which contains ConSurf's color grades.
Please note: We recommend creating a directory where all files will be saved.
For PyMOL:
1. Download the coloring script.
2. Start PyMOL program. Please note: when using PyMOL commands, all files should be typed with the absolute path (their location on your computer).
3. Load the modified PDB file with the PyMOL viewer window, by typing: PyMOL>"load modified_pdb_full_path" (without the quotes) and hitting return.
4. Run the coloring script with the PyMOL viewer window, by typing: PyMOL>"run coloring_script_full_path" (without the quotes) and hitting return.
5. Save the high quality figure with the PyMOL viewer window, by typing: PyMOL>"ray height,width" (without the quotes) and hitting return, and then by typing PyMOL>"png filename.png" (without the quotes) and hitting return.
For ChimeraX:
1. Download the coloring script.
2. Start ChimeraX program.
3. Load the modified PDB file using the File/Open menu.
4. Load the coloring script using the File/Open menu.
5. Save the high quality figure using the File/Save Image menu.
For FirstGlance:
Make a high resolution figure with just a few clicks: Instructions - Example
For Maestro:
1. Download the coloring script.
2. Start Maestro program.
3. Import the modified PDB structure into the active project (File -> Import structures...)
4. Exclude any other structures from the workspace.
5. Open the python shell, within Maestro, (Window -> Python Shell...) and type 'run'.
6. Save workspace image. (Workspace -> Save Image as...)
For FirstGlance in Jmol:
1. Download the ConSurf PDB File for FirstGlance in Jmol.
2. Upload the downloaded PDB file.
3. After the molecule appears, click on the link Save Image or Animation for Powerpoint (below the molecule).
4. For a static image of high quality, specify a large width in pixels, for example 2000 pixels.
For Jmol (or RasMol): you can download the Jmol ConSurf Coloring Script showing insufficient data (or the Jmol ConSurf Coloring Script hiding insufficient data).