Nucleic Acid Conservation Scores ======================================= - POS: The position of the nucleotide in the SEQRES derived sequence. - SEQ: The SEQRES derived sequence in one letter code. - ATOM: The ATOM derived sequence, including the nucleotide's positions as they appear in the PDB file and the chain identifier. - SCORE: The normalized conservation scores. - COLOR: The color scale representing the conservation scores (9 - conserved, 1 - variable). - CONFIDENCE INTERVAL: When using the bayesian method for calculating rates, a confidence interval is assigned to each of the inferred evolutionary conservation scores. - CONFIDENCE INTERVAL COLORS: When using the bayesian method for calculating rates. The color scale representing the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. - MSA DATA: The number of aligned sequences having an nucleotide (non-gapped) from the overall number of sequences at each position. - NUCLEOTIDE VARIETY: The nucleotide variety at each position of the multiple sequence alignment. POS SEQ ATOM SCORE COLOR CONFIDENCE INTERVAL CONFIDENCE INTERVAL COLORS MSA DATA NUCLEOTIDE VARIETY (normalized) 1 G G1:A -0.565 7 -0.720,-0.467 7,6 487/487 g,c,t,a 2 C C2:A 0.193 4 -0.071, 0.257 5,4 487/487 c,a,t,g 3 G G3:A 0.573 3 0.257, 0.759 4,3 487/487 g,t,a,c 4 G G4:A 1.186 2 0.759, 1.416 3,1 487/487 c,t,a,g 5 A A5:A 1.736 1 1.023, 2.409 2,1 487/487 t,a,c,g 6 T U6:A 1.575 1 1.023, 1.416 2,1 487/487 c,t,a,g 7 T U7:A 0.849 3 0.558, 1.023 3,2 487/487 g,c,a,t 8 T U8:A -1.457 9 -1.589,-1.465 9,9 487/487 g,c,t,a 9 A A9:A -0.538 7 -0.660,-0.467 7,6 487/487 a,t,c,g 10 G - -1.091 8 -1.243,-1.008 9,8 487/487 g,a,t,c 11 C C11:A -1.006 8 -1.123,-0.951 8,8 487/487 g,c,t,a 12 T U12:A -0.429 6 -0.598,-0.323 7,6 487/487 c,a,t,g 13 C C13:A -0.253 6 -0.397,-0.161 6,5 487/487 g,a,t,c 14 A A14:A -1.565 9 -1.746,-1.589 9,9 487/487 g,t,a,c 15 G G15:A -0.646 7 -0.780,-0.534 7,7 487/487 g,c,t,a 16 T - -0.159 5 -0.397, 0.027 6,5 487/487 g,t,a,c 17 T - -0.241 6 -0.467,-0.161 6,5 487/487 a,t,c,g 18 G G18:A -0.489 6 -0.660,-0.397 7,6 487/487 c,a,t,g 19 G G19:A -1.224 8 -1.381,-1.182 9,8 487/487 g,c,t,a 20 G G20:A -0.274 6 -0.467,-0.161 6,5 487/487 c,t,a,g 21 A A21:A -1.304 9 -1.465,-1.243 9,9 487/487 a,t,c,g 22 G G22:A -0.424 6 -0.598,-0.323 7,6 487/487 g,t,a,c 23 A A23:A -0.376 6 -0.534,-0.244 7,6 487/487 c,t,a,g 24 G G24:A -1.057 8 -1.182,-1.008 8,8 487/487 c,a,t,g 25 C C25:A -0.833 7 -0.951,-0.780 8,7 487/487 g,t,a,c 26 G - 0.605 3 0.257, 0.759 4,3 487/487 g,c,t,a 27 C C27:A 2.325 1 1.416, 2.409 1,1 487/487 g,a,t,c 28 C C28:A 1.368 1 1.023, 1.416 2,1 487/487 c,a,t,g 29 A A29:A 0.831 3 0.558, 1.023 3,2 487/487 g,c,a,t 30 G G30:A -0.307 6 -0.467,-0.244 6,6 487/487 g,c,t,a 31 A A31:A 0.352 4 0.136, 0.558 5,3 487/487 g,c,t,a 32 C - -0.625 7 -0.780,-0.534 7,7 487/487 g,c,a,t 33 T U33:A -1.588 9 -1.746,-1.589 9,9 487/487 c,a,t 34 G - -0.128 5 -0.323, 0.027 6,5 487/487 c,a,t,g 35 A A35:A -0.368 6 -0.534,-0.244 7,6 487/487 g,c,t,a 36 A A36:A -0.673 7 -0.837,-0.598 7,7 487/487 c,a,t,g 37 G - -1.067 8 -1.182,-1.008 8,8 487/487 c,t,a,g 38 A A38:A -0.485 6 -0.660,-0.397 7,6 487/487 g,t,a,c 39 T - 0.288 4 0.027, 0.395 5,4 487/487 g,a,t,c 40 C - -0.315 6 -0.467,-0.244 6,6 487/487 g,c,t,a 41 T U41:A 0.603 3 0.257, 0.759 4,3 487/487 g,c,a,t 42 G G42:A 1.546 1 1.023, 1.416 2,1 487/487 g,c,a,t 43 G G43:A 1.616 1 1.023, 1.416 2,1 487/487 a,t,c,g 44 A A44:A 0.633 3 0.395, 0.759 4,3 487/487 g,a,t,c 45 G G45:A 0.379 4 0.136, 0.558 5,3 487/487 g,c,a,t 46 G - -0.039 5 -0.244, 0.136 6,5 487/487 g,c,a,t 47 T U47:A -0.072 5 -0.244, 0.027 6,5 487/487 a,t,c,g 48 C C48:A -0.545 7 -0.720,-0.467 7,6 487/487 g,c,a,t 49 C - 0.534 3 0.257, 0.759 4,3 487/487 c,t,a,g 50 T U50:A 2.236 1 1.416, 2.409 1,1 487/487 g,t,a,c 51 G G51:A 0.624 3 0.395, 0.759 4,3 487/487 c,t,a,g 52 T U52:A -0.230 6 -0.397,-0.161 6,5 487/487 g,c,a,t 53 G G53:A -1.280 9 -1.381,-1.243 9,9 487/487 c,a,t,g 54 T - -1.310 9 -1.465,-1.243 9,9 487/487 a,t,c,g 55 T - -1.376 9 -1.465,-1.309 9,9 487/487 c,t,a,g 56 C C56:A -1.035 8 -1.182,-0.951 8,8 487/487 a,t,c,g 57 G G57:A 0.257 4 0.027, 0.395 5,4 487/487 t,a,c,g 58 A - -1.455 9 -1.589,-1.465 9,9 487/487 c,a,t,g 59 T U59:A 1.154 2 0.759, 1.416 3,1 487/487 g,c,t,a 60 C C60:A -0.803 7 -0.951,-0.720 8,7 487/487 g,c,a,t 61 C C61:A -1.460 9 -1.589,-1.465 9,9 487/487 c,a,t 62 A A62:A -0.424 6 -0.598,-0.323 7,6 487/487 g,c,t,a 63 C C63:A 0.503 4 0.257, 0.558 4,3 487/487 g,c,t,a 64 A A64:A 1.884 1 1.023, 2.409 2,1 487/487 a,t,c,g 65 G G65:A 0.650 3 0.395, 0.759 4,3 487/487 t,a,c,g 66 A A66:A 0.713 3 0.395, 0.759 4,3 487/487 t,a,c,g 67 A A67:A 1.778 1 1.023, 2.409 2,1 487/487 t,a,c,g 68 T U68:A 2.137 1 1.023, 2.409 2,1 487/487 c,a,t,g 69 T U69:A 1.163 2 0.759, 1.416 3,1 487/487 a,t,c,g 70 C C70:A 0.604 3 0.257, 0.759 4,3 487/487 g,a,t,c 71 G G71:A 0.300 4 0.027, 0.395 5,4 487/487 t,a,c,g,n 72 C C72:A -0.468 6 -0.598,-0.397 7,6 487/487 c,a,t,g 73 A A73:A -0.300 6 -0.467,-0.161 6,5 487/487 a,t,c,g,n 74 C C74:A -0.396 6 -0.951,-0.071 8,5 487/487 t,c 75 C C75:A -0.170 5 -0.837, 0.257 7,4 487/487 g,c,t 76 A A76:A -0.346 6 -0.951, 0.027 8,5 487/487 a,t,c *Below the confidence cut-off - The calculations for this site were performed on less than 6 non-gaped homologue sequences, or the confidence interval for the estimated score is equal to- or larger than- 4 color grades.